is no one right way to do research, but most scientific enterprises require a)
measuring group and individual-level processes; b) testing hypotheses in case
studies, experimental, and nonexperimental designs; and c) developing theories
that explain group processes.
Learning Objectives
2.1. Explain why measurement, research design,
and theory are critically important in scientific research.
2.2. Define and give examples of observational
measures of group dynamics.
2.3. Compare and contrast (a) participant,
covert, overt, and structured observational methods; (b) quantitative and
qualitative measurement methods; (c) observational and self-report measures.
2.4. Use a structured observational system
(e.g., IPA) to describe the behaviors observed in a group.
2.5. Use sociometry to describe the structure of
a group.
2.6. Define and give an example of the following
basic research designs: case study, experimental, and nonexperimental
2.7. List the key characteristics of an
2.8. Describe the basic features of an
experimental study of a group phenomenon, being certain to identify the
independent and dependent variables.
2.9. Identify the key procedures required in a
correlational (nonexperimental) study of a group phenomenon.
2.10. Interpret a correlation coefficient by
explaining how it summarizes the nature and strength of the relationship
between two variables.
2.11. Debate the relative strengths and
weaknesses of experimental and nonexperimental designs.
2.12. Describe the “unit of analysis” and
interdependence problems a researcher faces when studying groups rather than
2.13. Discuss the ethical issues raised by
research on human groups and examine steps to take to minimize those concerns.
2.14. Summarize the basic assumptions of each of
the following general theoretical approaches to studying groups, and describe
one theory that illustrates each approach: motivation and emotion perspectives,
behavioral perspectives, systems perspectives, cognitive perspectives, and
biological perspectives.
Key Terms
bona fide group
case study
covert observation
dependent variable
evolutionary psychology
Hawthorne effect
hierarchy of needs
(I–P–O) model
Review Board (IRB)
Process Analysis (IPA)
overt observation
qualitative study
quantitative study
reference group
social exchange
social network
analysis (SNA)
observational method
Multiple Level Observation of Groups (SYMLOG)
systems theory
2-1. Observing Groups. Send students into the field to observe
groups in vivo. Before they carry out
their observations remind them of the importance of studying only groups in
public places and the need to focus on group-level processes. It may be helpful
to review with them a videoed group interaction, pointing out the sorts of
features that they should record and interpret.
Instructions. Find an aggregate of
individuals in some public place. Observe the grouping of people for at least
20 minutes, and be sure to take notes. Answer the following questions.
1. Provide the who, what, when, where, and how
for your group. Who was in the group? What was the group doing? What were the
characteristics of the people in the group? Where did you find your group? How
were the people arranged in the physical environment?
2. What were the characteristics of the group
(rather than the people in the group)?
a. Interaction:
How were the members interacting with each other?
b. Interdependence:
Did group members depend on each other? Did they influence one another?
c. Structure:
Could you discern the group’s norms, roles, and status and communication
d. Goals:
What was the group’s purpose?
e. Unity:
Did the group seem to be cohesive? Do you think the members shared a sense of
identity with one another? Was it high in “entitativity” (perceived groupness)?
3. Critique your study of the group, from a
measurement standpoint. How could you have increased the scientific accuracy
and value of your observations?
4. Did anything about the group puzzle or
surprise you? Did your observation raise questions that could be answered
through research?
2-2. Structured Observation. Help students understand and use a structured coding
system in their observations by reviewing one system in class. Play a videotape
of a group discussion (such as a portion of the group discussion in the film Twelve Angry Men) and demonstrate how
each remark can be classified using a structured observational rating system,
such as Bales IPA or SYMLOG.
Measure the patterns of communication among members or study the content of a
group’s discussion. Find a group to observe, such as a classroom discussing a
topic (but not a classroom listening to a lecture), a meeting of a governmental
group, a meeting at your place of work, or even a group featured in a
television program or movie. Next, study the group’s communication patterns and
the content of the discussion.
1. Communication
duration. Note the start time of the meeting, and,
for each statement, indicate how long the speaker holds the floor. If the communication is rapid and speaker
changes rapidly, use only frequency counts.
2. Communication
analysis. Document who speaks to whom using a chart
like the one shown below to help you keep track of the information flow. When,
for example, Erick speaks to Kelley, record the interaction in the
Erick-to-Kelley box. At the end of the meeting compute the percentage of
contributions of each member and general speaking patterns. If the
communication rate is not too great, you can also record how long each member
speaks and turn-taking exchanges (who speaks after who). Use the data you
collect to draw conclusions about the group’s structure and process.
3. Content
analysis. Analyze the content of the discussion by classifying each remark
using a structured coding system such as the Bales’s Interaction Process
Analysis, SYMLOG (Bales, Cohen, & Williamson, 1979), or a system that you
personally devise. The categories of the Interaction Process Analysis (IPA),
for example, are shown below. To use the system develop a chart like the one
shown below. Each time an individual makes a remark, classify it into one of
the IPA categories and record who said it by marking the appropriate column on
the form. If, for example, Erick says “I don’t think that is such a good idea,”
then mark the gives opinion box. Use the data you collect to draw conclusions
about the group’s structure and process.
for information
for opinion
for suggestion
2-3. Research Ethics. Break the class up into small groups and ask them to
role-play members of an institutional review board.
Instructions. You are to role-play a member of a
committee that monitors the use of humans as subjects in research. Read the
researcher’s description of the proposed project, and evaluate it on
methodology and on ethics. First, identify the measurement methods used:
observational, self-report, or something else. Second, identify the design as
case-study, correlational, or experimental. Last, and most importantly, decide
if the project is approved as ethical or disapproved as unethical. If
unethical, make suggestions to the researcher on how he or she can change the
study so that it can be carried out.
1. Group
Membership. I am interested in how groups bind members tightly to the
group. To test the hypothesis, “the higher the costs created by membership, the
more one will be committed to the group” I will ask subjects to take part in a
group discussion of strengths and weaknesses of this school. Before they join
the group, I will randomly assign subjects to one of two conditions. Those in
the mild costs condition will be told that they must listen to a quiet buzzing
sound for 5 minutes before they can join the group. Those in the severe costs
condition will be told that they must undergo a series of electric shocks
before the can join the group. I predict that people who undergo shocks will
like their group more than those who listen to a quiet buzzing sound. I will
debrief them afterwards.
2. Tearoom
Trade. My research involves systematically investigating a group of
individuals engaged in what is considered by most to be “deviant” behavior. A
public restroom has been located in the city which functions as a “Tearoom”; a
meeting place used by males for homosexual activities. This tearoom will be
observed for a period of several months, and information about its users
obtained. This will include estimates of age, socioeconomic status, and role
while engaged in homosexual acts. I will also try to interview these
individuals by asking them for their telephone numbers and calling them at
home. Given the health risk posed by such behavior, any information that we can
obtain should be useful in understanding how AIDs and other diseases are
transmitted in a community.
3. Esteem
and Outgroup Perceptions. I seek to test the hypothesis that individuals
who have low self-esteem bolster their sense of self-worth by denigrating
members of other groups. To test this hypothesis I plan to recruit 40 people to
take a test of social intelligence. To manipulate self-esteem I will tell 20
people that they scored very low on the test, but 20 will be told they scored
well. I will then measure their attitudes toward members of other racial and
ethnic groups. I expect that those told they scored poorly will rate members of
other groups more negatively. I will debrief subjects.
4. Performance
and Cohesion. I think that the notion that cohesive groups outperform
groups that lack cohesion is false. I think that groups that have low cohesion,
because they are not distracted by personal concerns, outperform cohesive ones.
I will test this hypothesis by giving the Cohesion Inventory (CI) to 100 small
work units within several large corporations. I will also collect objective
evidence of the performance quality of those units from supervisors, as well as
group members’ descriptions of the time they spend working when in the group
and the amount of time they spend socializing.
5. Social Identity and Conflict. Recent studies
by Insko and his colleagues find that groups are more competitive than
individuals to a striking extent. I wish to pursue some of the underlying
causes of this individual-group discontinuity by studying aggression in groups.
Individuals and groups will be given the opportunity to administer shocks to
one another. We predict that when groups are given the opportunity to develop a
shared identity they will respond aggressively against threats from another group.
Subjects will be informed, in advance, of the use of shock and will be given
every opportunity to withdraw if they so choose. Written consent will always be
collected. The shock machine that will be used is a Buzzowitz143, which is a
battery-based model that can deliver stinging, but nonharmful, shocks even when
set at maximum levels.
6. The
Dynamics of a Self-Help Group. Although Alcoholics Anonymous seems to be an
effective method of dealing with alcohol dependence, few studies have examined
the dynamics of AA in detail. As a first step in such a project, I propose to
study a local AA group. After identifying myself as a researcher and gaining
the consent of the members, I will attend meetings for one year, tracking who
attends each meeting. I will interview members, examine the group’s records and
history, and interview former members. I plan to publish my findings in
articles and in book form..
2-4. Case Studies. One of the best ways to understand groups, in
general, is to understand one group, in depth. The case‑study approach has a
long tradition in all the sciences, with some of the greatest advances coming
from case studies rather than from other methods. Have students find a group,
and study it during the entire semester. They should use proper scientific
procedures, including taking field notes, carrying out interviews with members,
and writing up their findings in a paper. Additional information about case
study methods us available at the web site
2-5. Conduct a Study in
Class. Collect some
data from students in the class to demonstrate the application of the
scientific method to the study of groups. Although possibilities are limitless,
one tried-and-true approach is to collect information from the students in
terms of personality qualities, and then examine the correlations among those
qualities. You could, for example, administer a basic measure of the Five
Factor Model of personality, and use it to predict preferences for working in
groups, seating location preference, or even the number of friends one has on
Facebook. Alternatively, conduct an experiment of some type in class. One of
the most basic experiments in groups involves asking people to answer a survey
or questionnaire alone and then in a group. This individual/group paradigm
gives students insights into both experimental methods and group performance.
is the difference between a scientific approach to studying groups a
nonscientific approach?
wish to test the hypothesis that cohesive groups outperform noncohesive groups.
Describe three methods you could use to measure cohesiveness.
explain the Hawthorne
effect. What implications does this effect have for observational techniques?
the concepts of reliability and validity. Give examples of measures that are
reliable and valid and measures that are not reliable or valid.
Draw a
sociogram of a group of fictitious high school friends. Include at least seven
members and make sure to identify stars, clusters, pairs, and isolates.
are the relative strengths and weaknesses of observational methods and
self-report methods of measurement?
are the strengths and weaknesses of case study methods?
developed his theory of groupthink by examining the behavior of past groups
that made poor decisions. He examined meetings notes, group member’s public
statements, letters and other such items. Did Janis perform a qualitative or a
quantitative study? What are the advantages and disadvantages to the approach
Janis used?
Smith wants to understand the initiation process in fraternities and
sororities. However, he realizes that it would be unethical to put participants
in his study through the same experiences that pledges usually undergo. Develop
an experiment that Dr. Smith could run that would examine the initiation
process in an ethical manner.
2.10. A researcher asks people how many groups
they belong to and also asks them questions about the physical and mental
health. She finds that these variables are related: the more groups people
belong to the healthier they are. What type of study did the researcher
conduct, and can she conclude that groups cause improved health?
2.11. Ed wants to know if having an audience
helps people perform better. He has half the subjects complete a test in front
of an audience (3 confederates) and the other half complete the test alone. He
then compares subjects’ scores. Identify the (a) type of study (b) independent
variable and (c) dependent variable.
2.12. In what instances would researchers use a
nonexperimental design over an experimental one? How does the type of design
affect the determination of causation?
2.13. What is a correlation coefficient? Give
several examples of correlations, and be sure to interpret the nature and
strength of the relationship described.
2.14. What does it mean to say that group
processes are also multilevel processes? Work through an example of a
multilevel analysis of a group’s cohesiveness.
2.15. Researchers sometimes do not tell people
when they are studying them. Offer both pro and con arguments on this issue,
and draw a personal conclusion.
2.16. Compare and contrast these theoretical
models of group behavior: motivational/emotion models, behavioral approaches,
systems theories, cognitive approaches, biological models.
2.17. Develop a theoretical model that explains
why groups tend to select men rather than women as their leaders. Be certain to
describe the motivational, behavioral, systems, cognitive, and biological
foundations of your framework.
2.18. Use Hofstede’s theory of national cultures
to compare Western nations to Eastern nations.
2.19. What would an evolutionary psychologist say
about the human preference to join groups? How does this view differ from those
proposed by other theorists?
2.20. Why is it important to understand how
ancient tribal groups functioned if one is primarily interested in
understanding modern, contemporary groups?
Groups researchers
use scientific procedures to study groups. (T)
measurement methods involve asking group members to describe, often through
surveys, their personal observations of group activities. (F)
William Foote
Whyte used covert observational measures to study corner gangs. (F)
Hawthorne effects are less likely when researchers use covert
observational methods. (T)
Online groups
cannot be studied using observational methods because their interactions take
place in virtual reality. (F)
A qualitative
study is a better “quality” study because it’s results can be described
numerically. (F)
The Interaction
Process Analysis (IPA) is a method for participants in an experiment to
evaluate how friendly or unfriendly other group member are. (F)
Sociometry was an
early form on social network analysis. (T)
A measure can be
reliable without being valid. (T)
2.10. Self-report measures are best used when collecting data
on personality and feelings where the participants are willing to disclose
their personal attitudes and opinions. (T)
2.11. Sociograms are interpersonal messages sent from one
group member to another. (F)
2.12. A bona fide group is a group that is concocted in the
laboratory using both reliable and valid methods and tools. (F)
2.13. Groupthink is a scientifically verified method for
increasing a group’s creativity. (F)
2.14. Experimental methods support causal conclusions. (T)
2.15. The independent variable in the Lewin, Lippitt, and
White study was productivity when working in groups. (F)
2.16. Reference groups are scientific committees who advise
supervisors and government officials on policy and procedure. (F)
2.17. If X and Y are correlated, X causes Y or Y causes X. (F)
2.18. The strongest correlation is +1 meaning that X perfectly
predicts Y, and the weakest correlation is -1 meaning X is unrelated to Y. (F)
2.19. According to systems theory, groups take in external
data, process the information, and then generate a response. (T)
2.20. Individuals’ emotional experiences influence personal,
but not group, productivity. (F)
Multiple Choice
2.1. Which one is NOT a key element of
scientific research, according to the text?
A. measurement
B. research design
C. theory
D. statistical analysis
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.2. As a scientist, you want to know if leaders
who are authoritarian get more productivity out of their followers than do
leaders who are democratic. You should
A. ask politicians for their opinions on the
B. consult experts on business management.
C. ask Kurt Lewin what he thinks.
D. conduct a study of the relationship between
leadership and productivity.
E. ask several group members what they think.
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.3. Whyte’s study of “corner gangs”
A. experimentally manipulated norms.
B. used structured observations.
C. made use of participant observation.
D. was a self-report study.
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.4. A male researcher joins in with two
different clubs—one containing all males and the other both males and
females—and unbeknownst to the club members takes notes on the group dynamics.
This study is an example of a(n) ___ measurement method.
A. participant observation
B. experimental covert observation
C. overt structured observation
D. subverted observation
Answer: A (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.5. Dr. Bynamic studies group performance by
watching same- and mixed-sex groups in the library, and recording how much time
they spend talking versus studying. Bynamic is using a(n) ___ measurement
A. survey
B. experimental
C. observational
D. participant observation
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.6. The Hawthorne
effect would likely be greatest in a(n) ___ study.
A. overt observational
B. experimental
C. field
D. quantitative
E. qualitative
Answer: A (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.7. The Hawthorne Effect, as applied to group
dynamics research, suggests
A. sociometric methods should be used whenever
B. research should be conducted, whenever
possible, in the laboratory.
C. group processes cannot be understood using
observational methods.
D. people may act differently when they know
they are being studied.
Answer: D (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.8. A researcher wanted to observe a group but
was afraid that his or her presence would cause group members to question and
rethink their decisions. The researcher decided to join the group and observe
members without their knowledge. This is known as a(n) ___ observational
A. structured
B. layered
C. covert
D. survey
E. overt
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.9. Participant observational procedures have
been used to study ___ groups.
A. Online gaming
B. Search and rescue teams
C. Gangs
D. Mushroom collectors
E. All of the above
Answer: E (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.10. Bainbridge’s analysis of an online gaming
community (World of Warcraft) indicated that
A. online groups cannot be studied using
participant observational methods.
B. individuals in online groups act in unusual
and unpredictable ways, compared to members of offline groups.
C. online groups are not that different from
group in the physical (offline) world.
D. the relationships linking members of online
groups tend to be superficial and temporary.
E. none of the above.
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.11. Jack found the interactions of a local
library group interesting and decided to study them. Jack then watched the
group and described it activities with short phrases. His study would best be
described as a(n) ___ study.
A. experimental
B. qualitative
C. self-report
D. quantitative
Answer: B (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.12. A number of years ago researchers found
that observers’ preconceptions and biases influence their observations of
groups. Researchers turned to ___ observational methods to solve this problem.
A. overt
B. participant
C. covert
D. unstructured
E. structured
Answer: E (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.13. Bales solved the objectivity problem in
group observers by
A. using participant observation.
B. using uninvolved observers.
C. structuring group observations.
D. controlling the group’s interaction.
E. relying on self-report measures.
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.14. Which one does NOT fit with the others?
A. Observational measure
C. Interaction Process Analysis (IPA)
D. Self-report
Answer: D (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.15. The IPA and the SYMLOG method are similar
in that they both are ___ observational methods.
A. overt
B. covert
C. structured
D. participant
E. projective
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.16. A measure that consistently yields the same
conclusion at different times is
A. valid.
B. reliable.
C. robust.
D. remittent.
E. low in measurement error.
Answer: B (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.17. Ruth took the Group Process Skill Inventory
(the GPSI) on October 10th. If she got the same score when she took the GPSI
again on October 20th, her responses would suggest that the test
A. is valid.
B. is reliable.
C. has adequate internal integrity.
D. possesses adequate structure.
Answer: B (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.18. This examination is a very good measure of
people’s knowledge of group dynamics. People who know the material get the
questions correct, and those who don’t tend to miss many items. This test is
A. sufficiently normed.
B. culturally biased.
C. unreliable.
D. high in validity.
E. low in both reliability and validity.
Answer: D (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.19. Interviews, surveys, and sociometry are
examples of ___ techniques.
A. self-report
B. observational
C. correlational
D. case study
E. experimental
Answer: A (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.20. You are interested in studying the
relationship between individual group members’ political attitudes and their
desire to be the leader of their group. You should probably use ___ measures.
A. self-report
B. participant observational
C. sociometric
D. archival
E. covert observational
Answer: A (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.21. Sociometry is generally used to measure
A. task performance.
B. group behavior.
C. leadership.
D. group goals.
E. group attraction structure.
Answer: E (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.22. Which is true?
A. A sociogram is a message of attraction sent
from one member to another.
B. Sociometry yields information about specific
individuals as well as group-level social network data.
C. Most researchers use observational methods, rather
than self-report methods, when carrying out sociometric studies.
D. In general, the more decentralized the group the more
likely one or two members will be sociometric stars.
Answer: C (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.23. I use such terms as “star,” “gatekeeper,”
and “cliques,” in my study of groups. I am probably conducting a(n) ___ study.
A. sociometric
B. survey
C. meta-analytic
D. experimental
E. covert
Answer: A (Measurement in Group Dynamics)
2.24. A researcher investigates the relationship
between cohesiveness and team performance by studying the 1960 Pittsburgh
Pirates baseball team. This method is called
A. experimentation.
B. self-report.
C. case study.
D. correlational.
E. observation.
Answer: C (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.25. Janis used the ___ method to study decision
making in groups.
A. observational
B. case study
C. experimental
D. sociometric
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.26. Instead of studying a group in the lab, I
decide to observe groups in a natural setting. I am studying ___ groups.
A. experimental
B. bona fide
C. transcendental
D. artificial
E. scapegoat
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.27. I rarely participate in group activities,
for I prefer to let members make all the decisions for themselves without input
from me. I am a(n) ___ leader.
A. autocratic
B. democratic
C. authoritarian
D. laissez-faire
E. transforming
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.28. The Omegacons lost to the Devastators
during a soccer competition. The Omegacon group members started to pick on and
make fun of Billy, even though Billy was not responsible for the team’s loss. Billy
was a(n) ___ for this group.
A. scapegoat
B. leader
C. outcast
D. fringer
E. jokester
Answer: A (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.29. You randomly assign 40 groups to two
conditions: 20 groups are told they failed a task, and 20 are told they did
well. Next, you have them complete a questionnaire measure of cohesiveness. You
are carrying out a(n) ___ study.
A. case
B. experimental
C. correlational
D. observational
E. archival
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.30. Mark thinks that mixed-sex groups (ones
with both males and females) make better decisions than same-sex groups.
Therefore, he creates 10 mixed-sex groups and 10 same-sex groups, and asks them
to answer a series of math problems. In this study, the dependent variable is
A. the composition of the group (same-sex or
B. the quality of the group’s decision.
C. the size of the groups.
D. the gender of the group members.
E. held constant.
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.31. Jill thinks that mixed-sex groups (ones
with both males and females) make better decisions than same-sex groups.
Therefore, she creates 10 mixed-sex groups and 10 same-sex groups, and asks
them to answer a series of math problems. In this study, the independent
variable is
A. the composition of the group (same-sex or
B. the quality of the group’s decision.
C. the size of the groups.
D. the gender of the group members.
E. held constant.
Answer: A (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.32. If one wishes to draw a cause-effect
conclusion, then one should use ___ methods.
A. case study
B. structured
C. observational
D. experimental
E. self-report
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.33. Laboratory studies of group phenomena can
be criticized most for
A. failing to maintain control over irrelevant
B. studying behavior in relatively contrived
C. yielding correlational conclusions.
D. demonstrating cause-effect relationships.
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.34. Members of the Nortons, the corner boys
studied by Whyte, derived their attitudes, interests, and values from the
group. The Nortons is an example of a ___ group.
A. secondary
B. task-oriented
C. reference
D. sociometric
Answer: C (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.35. Newcomb found that the students who changed
the least when at Bennington
A. more frequently chosen by others as
B. more family-oriented.
C. very desirous of friendly relationships
with other students.
D. cohesive as a subgroup.
Answer: B (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.36. Correlational studies, relative to
A. do not yield much information about
cause-effect relationships.
B. are often distorted by the Hawthorne effect.
C. require excessive manipulation of the group
D. do not provide an index of the magnitude of
the relationship between variables.
Answer: A (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.37. Which correlation coefficient best
indicates an inverse, or negative, relationship?
A. -5.83
B. .314
C. 0.01
D. -.85
E. 1.34
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.38. Jeni studies reactions to exclusion by
having people imagine they cheated on a test and then indicating how they would
feel about themselves in such a situation and the extent to which they would
risk exclusion by undertaking such an act. Hers was a(n) ___ study.
A. experimental
B. case study
C. investigative
D. correlational
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.39. You wish to determine, as precisely as
possible, the strength of the relationship between two variables. You will most
likely conduct a(n) ___ study.
A. experimental
B. case study
C. investigative
D. correlational
Answer: D (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.40. A ___ perspective notes that individuals
interact within the group but groups are also often nested within larger groups
or organizations.
A. sociometric
B. cognitive
C. multilevel
D. diffuse
Answer: C (Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.41. Which is true?
A. Researchers are not permitted to deceive
the people who take part in research.
B. Researchers are obligated to inform their
subjects that they are being studied.
C. An Institutional Review Board is
responsible for reviewing research procedures.
D. Covert observation raises fewer ethical
issues than overt observation.
E. All of the above are true.
Answer: C ((Research Methods in Group Dynamics)
2.42. I believe that groups work best when the
members can set their own goals, for they become energized when they pick their
own tasks and experience heightened enjoyment. My theory has elements of
several theoretical approaches, but if you focus on the theory’s most CENTRAL
assumptions you would call it a(n) ___ theory.
A. motivational and emotion
B. systems
C. cognitive
D. biological
E. analytic
Answer: A (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.43. According to Hofstede, in cultures marked
by high levels of ___ members tend to act independently of one another.
A. long-term orientation
B. masculinity
C. competition
D. individualism
E. emotionality
Answer: D (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.44. I use the Interaction Process Analysis in a
study of groups and conclude that nearly 42% of behaviors occur in the positive
behavior categories (1, 3, and 3) and that only 22% of the behaviors in the
group can be coded in the questions categories (7, 8, 9). My theory has
elements of several theoretical approaches, but if you focus on the theory’s
most CENTRAL assumptions you would call it a(n) ___ theory.
A. motivation and emotion
B. behavioral
C. systems
D. cognitive
E. biological
Answer: B (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.45. I believe that the best way to improve
groups is to reward the members when they perform well. I am a(n) ___ theorist.
A. behavioral
B. systems
C. cognitive
D. biological
E. analytic
Answer: A (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.46. Dana is deciding which of two groups to
join. To make her decision, Dana makes lists of the positives and the negatives
of each. After looking over the list, she decides to join the group with the
most appealing characteristics. This decision is most consistent with ___
A. systems
B. social exchange
C. observational
D. motivational
E. autocratic
Answer: B (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.47. Which one is an example of a systems theory
A. Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions
B. social exchange theory
C. an input-process-output model of group
D. self-categorization theory
E. skinner’s behaviorism
Answer: C (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.48. I believe that when people work in groups
each member mentally sizes up every other member, and then lets those who
seemed to know the most about the task at hand, or just seemed generally knowledgeable
about groups, to have a larger say in the group’s process. This theory probably
has elements of several theoretical approaches, but if you focus on the theory’s
most CENTRAL assumptions you would call it a ___ theory.
A. motivational
B. behavioral
C. systems
D. cognitive
E. biological
Answer: D (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.49. ___ psychologists believe that the social
behaviors group members engage in today helped their ancestors survive in
difficult, challenging environments.
A. Motivational
B. Behavioral
C. Systems
D. Cognitive
E. Evolutionary
Answer: E (Theoretical Perspectives)
2.50. I am fascinated by how groups set up
territories that they defend, and I’m convinced that this tendency is an
ancient one: that it served humans well when they lived in small tribes, and so
that those humans who were “territorial” tended to survive at higher rates than
those who were not. I am probably a(n) ___ theorist.
A. motivational
B. behavioral
C. systems
D. cognitive
E. evolutionary
Answer: E (Theoretical Perspectives)
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